
having doubs about the look of the installer at the moment and the effect of 
it on Joe Average, I went into my own brain and thought what should be 
changed. I promised AJ some mockups and the first two screens can be reviewed 
and commented.

I still need a set of logo's I can use so there is in those 2 screens a lot of 
room at the top. Don't worry, that will be filled :-D

It has to be a bit mure spicy but I think the idea is okey. Check out she 
screens from default and advanced. I guess changing the background can make a 
lot of difference in how boring (or not) it looks.

Some points:

- do not show options that are not used by the mainstream (80%) and the user 
should not know of. (Acpi, apic and safe mode (I guess))

- do show the option the user should know (memory check could be discussed, 
openSUSE repair have to be shown so people will try if openSUSE goes down)

- If Memory Check is transfered to Advanced then Repair can be directly under 
the first 2 options.

- do not say openSUSE 10.3 every time, people know what version they are 

- Do say Repair openSUSE 10.3(!) cause fixing 10.2 of 10.4 with it can make te 
troubles worse and is not recommend.

- Add some simple text, so user won't feel like they are diving into the deep 
alone. For some reason they can do a lot of stuff themselfs while they refuse 
to do so if there is no text at all (the info that is now in the info column 
is an 
intresting point to intergrate in next mockups :-) )

- Info button has to be added, forgot that one.

ps. SUSE green is a professional looking color in an install. Changing the 
background to blue makes it a playground-look. Weird color-psychologica. 
Background probably have to be replaced anyway so I don't worry about that at 
this moment.

Please give your comments and remember that not everybody knows what APIC, 
ACPI and so on is. Think like you're grandmother and it will be a good point 
of view. I know it is going far cause she probably never saw an 
installationscreen in her live, but most new openSUSE-users will not use 
their brains either cause Linux is 'different' (change IE icons for Firefox 
icon and see what happens with you're mum/wife ot whoever)

At this moment it is not about colors but about text-design

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