On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 22:36 -0500, Rajko M wrote:

> To add one more annoyance.
> Menu should have optional setting not to pop up on hover, but on click.
> Last night I edited something and menu popped many times as I pushed
> mouse out of editor window, so that I can see text without cursor, and
> left close to menu button. I switched to classic KDE style to turn off
> this.

Yes this is a good idea. I twice ended up typing into the search bar
because the menu had popped up "by accident".

Must keep the moving eyes though :-)

> I have feeling that menu is too empty. It looks like the one on
> http://en.opensuse.org/Kickoff , but it is a lot of room that you have
> to drag mouse over, for nothing.
> The search screen usage direction as default is bad, also, because it
> disappears right after mouse cursor touches favorites and user (me) has
> feeling that something was not right. First time I canceled menu and
> came back to it, just to see what happened. Favorites would be good
> default choice, instead.
> Even better make tabs order configurable, default on first tab from left.

This is a good one. 

> It will be good if type of tab can be configurable too, instead of
> fixed. For instance I can live fine without logout options, they are
> present on right mouse button long enough to be automatic choice, but I
> have many favorites, that are now on the desktop, because I don't like
> scrolling. With configurable type of tab I will set two favorites tabs,
> and have little need to see the desktop, and even lesser to scroll that
> is counter productive to menu idea.
> Information who is logged in could be put at the top of the menu window,
> just above search. That way mouse mileage can be kept low, login
> information will be present and menu will have title line:
I knew that something was missing. A title bar will split the menu from
the background making it stand out a little better. If not a menu bar
maybe a little more 3D sculpting would be very "low temperature".

> BTW, from the Kickoff page:
> KDE Classic: Suse Linux Professional 10.1 with the common KDE start menu
> (KDE 3.5)
> KDE KickOff: Suse Linux Professional 10.1 with the new Kickoff start menu


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