
reading the discussions on this mailing list about the switch of the
YaST2 icon theme and gathering some more information that I was not
aware at when I made the decision, I'm suggesting the following plan:

* Go back for 10.2 to the crystal icon set for YaST (the crystal icons
  were used in 10.1 and earlier)

* For openSUSE 10.3:

  - figure out which icons are needed

  - take care that we have a complete set of tango icons for yast2
    (there are still some missing which I didn't know before making
    the decision)

  - use consistent names for icons so that we can easily switch
    between themes.

  - find volunteers to take care of new crystal icons for yast2

  - consolidate all YaST icons in one central place (currently *most*
    are in the theme package but not all) so that we can switch
    between icon sets

  - discuss and decide which icon set to use for YaST for the
    following situations:
    * during installation
    * with GNOME as default desktop
    * with KDE as default desktop

  - discuss and decide whether to change the icon set for KDE (and to
    which icon set)

Would this plan be ok?

 Andreas Jaeger, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.suse.de/~aj/
  SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
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