On Sun, 2006-11-05 at 19:21 +0100, Claes Bäckström wrote:
> Hi
> Been using y2controlcenter-gnome from the yast2-control-center-gnome
> rpm and I really love it. Have one small question only. Why isn't the
> yast modules sorted the same way as in yast2 control-center?

Right now its alphabetical but Scott has a fix that makes it follow the
order hints in the YaST-gnome.menu file.

> And is "Graphics Setup" really a "Common Task". I configure my
> resolution and graphic cards once after that I don't touch it. For me
> this is no "Common Task"

Could go either way, sometimes people change their resolution (ie for a
projector) this way instead of, say, resapplet.

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