Hugo Costelha wrote:
> On Saturday 18 November 2006 08:51, Vahis wrote:
>> I have been trying to add factory every possible way in beta2
>> installation but it fails.
>> So I started a fresh install from there to see what would happen.
>> It's been loading the initial 70 meg system for about half an hour now
>> and 5% has come.
>> The address is
>> e
>> Is the address in the first place? I can browse there without any problem.
> Try to use a mirror instead of using opensuse. See 

Well I wouldn't be asking this if I hadn't, several mirrors :)

Example: Adding Heidelberg in YaST
File /suse/setup/descr/32bit-10.2-104.x86_64.pat not found on media:

Then I choose to skip because I don't need the 64 bit anyway:
Unknown Error: Can't provide : User-requested skipping of a file

I've been playing with this now for a few days. The errors are something
like that, always a little different.
I've tried YaST, rug and Zen GUI, the Globe.

I think this might be due to the servers being in different stages of
syncing to the factory?
Depending what method I use and depending what is found on the server
the source either starts to create and stops or doesn't start at all.

If I am able to add one of them and then stick with it I think it should
be OK.

As I'm typing this now, Chemnitz looks good so far...

The original installation is from the dvd-image and has been working
brilliantly :)

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