Andreas Hanke schrieb:
> This is a general problem with many GNOME packages, all hand-written
> dependencies should be reviewed because they are really old cruft and
> things have changed.

Note that I have another bug pending (#223387) that is partly
responsible for excess dependencies among packages that use pkg-config
in their build system.

In short, pkg-config is configured to convert all private dependencies
into public ones. This has been added years ago as a workaround for a
pkg-config bug which is fixed now, so the workaround can be removed. No
other major distribution still does this.

It will be a hard job convincing the guys that this will not result in
non-prelinkable libraries and that Linux and glibc don't need all
deplibs to be linked in (seriously, they really don't need it), but I'll
try it anyway ;-)

Since most packages that use pkg-config happen to be GNOME packages, it
should hopefully reduce the dependency problems in the GNOME area a little.
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