Hello all,

It's the weekend, I have some space time and I want openSUSE 10.2 to
work on my T60 Thinkpad (Model 1952 W5R) so I installed openSUSE 10.2
RC1 on it.  

Note 1: My T60 has a Intel Centrino Duo 1.83 cpu with 2 Go of RAM and a
Mobile Intel 945GM Express video chipset. 

Note 2: openSUSE10.1 installs and works perfectly (even the Fn
buttons - which I don't use). 

# The following is my report
I ran the installation using the 5 CDs plus the Addon-BiArch CD.

The IBM usbmouse was not recognized so the installation had to be
performed using the trackpad. This was a bit touchy as the trackpad was
overly sensitive and just moving it over a hypertest link would
sometimes select it by accident.

I tested all the CDs in the CD test window.

I ran a new Installation (over a working 10.1 setup)

I included the Addon-Bi Arch CD using the add-on "Products from Separate
media" option.

I had problems selecting the "Clock and Time Zone" using the track pad
The Thinkpad trackpad was very sensitive (overly) here - just moving
the cursor over a hyperlink text would activate it. I had a very hard
time selecting my time zone and moving to the NEXT button without
loosing my settings. I found it easier to do this particular operation
using the tab button (which is what I did in the end).

I did a "kde" installation (as per usual)
I added gcc, kernel, java... (I forgot to add smart!)
The rpm installation started at 14:46
The rpm installation started at 15:19
When the rpm installation finished,  I was in the Package Installion
window (section Perform Installation), the "Synchronizing with
ZENworks" automatically came up at and started.

This started at 15:20
It was stilling happening at 15:44, so I hit the "abort" button -
more than once... (even tried Alt-R key for Abort) - I seemed stuck...

I finally hit TAB a few times and I noticed a window  "Error Your
service was added successfully in YaST but could not be synchronized
with Zenworks. Command timed out after 800 milliseconds.

hit the OK button, another Error window: "Error Cannot write settings
to 'ZMD'

Managed to continue to the "Root Password Configuration" window

Under network mode, selected "User-controlled interfaces with Network
manager" Download of latest release notes failed

YaST2 had set up the wrong IP address
The setup configured an IP in the 169.x.x.x.range
I need to be in the 192.x.x.x range

Went back to the "Network Configuration "window and disabled Network
manager, I moved forward and ran the "Internet Connection Test"

Network connection tested ok
Under "Novell Customer Center Configuration" window, I selected the
"Configure Now" button, and got an error window "Error An error
occurred while connecting to the sever

Under Details, I saw "Cannot open the file /etc/zmd/deviceid: No such
file or directory"

I selected "Configure Later" in order to get on with the installation

In the next window (e.g the "Novell Customer Center Configuration"
window), I had the choice to add these "Additional Installations
Sources": inst-source (which was already selected) inst-source-extra

I left the default setting and hit OK - no problem so I hit the back
button, and the other two sources added (inst-source-extra and
inst-source-debug) Note: the d/l speed on my side is limited to 1024
kb/sec. The time was 16:04 at 16:14, YaST asked me to insert CD1.
at 16:22, the "Creating source window" and clock were still working
away. at 16:43 the "Creating source window" and clock were still
working away. so I hit the "Back" button. A minute later, I hit the
"Next" button. Idem for the "TAB" in order to check for error messages
in other windows. Nothing One minute later I got a new window "Cannot
access installation media CD1" Check that the server is accessible " I
selected show details "Curl error for:
http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/SL-OSSfactor.."; "Error code:
Timeout reached Error message: Callback aborted"

I hit abort
I saw "Can't provide /suse/setup/descr/packages.cs from

I selected abort
I selected abort abort again
I selected abort Don't try again
I got a "Probing source..." window followed by another "Creating
source.. " window I hit "NEXT" and got more
"http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/SL-OSS-Facto"; windows.

Was I looping here??? I hit "NEXT", "BACK" and finally
"ctrl-alt-delete", I still had a
"http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/SL-OSS-Facto"; window. I am
stuck. The time is now 16:55

I guess I am going to give up on this one and skip the  "Creating extra
sources.. " next time.

While writing this I got this window again
a new window "Cannot access installation media CD1"
Check that the server is accessible "
I selected show details 
"Curl error for:
http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/SL-OSSfactor.."; "Error code:
Timeout reached Error message: Callback aborted"

I hit abort.
Abort again, Don't try again - and back we go again and I get another
"Probing sources...." window.

voilĂ  et voilĂ . Stay tuned for the second try!

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