Alexey Eremenko wrote:
>> I have plans (and features) to enhance the firewall module in 10.3 but
>> it would be nice to hear what exactly users need.
>> Could you, please, give me more information? You can also send me a
>> patch then :) ;)
> Yes - I would like to have ability to do *traffic limiting* - IP
> tables already supports that and I think it could be done at the GUI
> level (in Yast). the only problem is that iptables limits IP packets
> (they are variable size), and I would like to be able to limit with
> "bytes-per-second" criteria. Is that doable?
> I would like to be able to configure lmits for both upload & download
> rates. Also I think that Firewall module is the correct place to do
> that.
> This is needed when working in LAN environment, with single shared
> Internet connection,  so that you won't steal all the Internet
> bandwidth from your parents/friends/colleagues. (At Home/LAN
> party/Work). Unfortunately, not all Routers can do that.

YaST Firewall is only an UI for configuring
/etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2. All features, that are configurable via
that sysconfig file could be configured in YaST (not all features are
supported now, of course).

The only traffic limiting can be set up in FW_HTB_TUNE_DEV variable. It
configures upstream using HTB (Hierarchical Token Bucket),, and it uses unit kbit/s.

Adding lnussel as a developer/maintainer of SuSEfirewall2.

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