Some clarifications:

> The current policy is that the RPM package names should be identical to
> the basename of the upstream tarball unless there is a technical reason
> why it cannot be named this way.

Examples of technical reasons include:

- Multiple versions of a package are shipped, in this case only the name
of one version can match the upstream tarball, all other versions get a
shortened form of the version number squeezed into the package name.

- The upstream release name contains illegal characters.

> I'm _strongly_ against renaming existing packages for reasons other than
> a technical problem which requires the package to be renamed.

This should read:

Discussing new rules is of course interesting and fine, but if a new
naming policy is agreed on as a result of this, it should be applied to
new packages only. Existing packages should not be renamed unless they
either change their meaning or there are packaging changes which force
changing the name.

The technical problems with renamed packages are:

- The package manager somehow has to know that the new package replaces
the old package. This is usually solved via Provides/Obsoletes, but it
pollutes the namespace: An obsoleted package name can effectively never
be re-introduced again, and even the slightest mistake in this area can
have very "interesting" results.

- YaST contains hardcoded package lists in several places which don't
work with Provides, but only with the real package names, so renamed
packages can only be handled by changing the code and nobody can
guarantee that all occurances of obsolete packages are found and cought
in time.

- 3rd party developers use the existing package names to express
dependencies (Requires/BuildRequires), changes in this area result in
very ugly %if/%else blocks that make the spec files harder to read and
maintain. These cannot be fixed as easily as the ones in the
distribution. If the 3rd party developer doesn't notice the change, the
package gets broken.

Note that I do think your proposal has advantages, but in order to be
really useful, it would require major packaging changes. As an example,
how would you handle a package that contains both shared libraries and

Debian-derived distributions have a policy to split all such packages so
that the executables are in a package named like the upstream release
and a library package that gets a "lib" prefix and a suffix based on the
interface version of the shared library.

This is an advantage because it means you can have an arbitrary number
of different library versions installed, but requires much more
packaging work. You would have to update the BuildRequires of all
packages all the time, and you would have to manually keep the package
name in sync with the interface version with each upgrade. It's painful,
I predict it won't work and for a centrally developed distribution it's
not really necessary.
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