
On Monday 27 November 2006 23:16, Hans Witvliet wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-11-27 at 10:26 +0100, Jiri Srain wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > On Saturday 25 November 2006 19:35, Alexey Eremenko wrote:
> > > Hi all !
> > >
> > > As 10.2 release nears I think into future - 10.3 features - and I
> > > would like to request massive updates in Yast - that is - new modules
> > > that I would like to see:
> > >
> > > 1. Swap Manager (Yast GUI to manage swap files & partitions)
> > > 2. FTP Server (Yast GUI to manage vsFTPd)
> > > 3. SSH Server (Yast GUI to manage openssh)
> > > 4. NX Server (Yast GUI to manage FreeNX terminal server, based on ssh)
> > > 5. Sax3D (Yast/Sax GUI to manage XGL/AIGLX & Compiz for 3D Desktop
> > > Effects)
> >
> > Before you start writing any new module, please, get in touch with
> > someone from the YaST team in SUSE in order to check that the module is
> > notbeing developed by us and won't appear in next Alpha snapshot ;-)
> > AFAIK FTP server module is already being developed (but don't know the
> > state of it ATM). SSH server module is being used as example in the YaST
> > tutorial.
> Any plans for:
> -NIC-bonding?

I hope that this one will appear in one of the first Alpha snapshots of 10.3.

> -VLAN-config

This one is on our radar as well, however, at the moment I cannot tell when it 
will be ready.

> -Asterisk configuration (zaptel, chan-capi, chan-iax ....)

Here I don't know about any specific plans.


Jiri Srain
YaST Team Leader
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