On Wednesday 29 November 2006 18:55, Anders Norrbring wrote:
> Wolfgang Rosenauer skrev:
> > Anders Norrbring wrote:
> >> I get this in huge numbers in my log "imap[3069]: error sending to
> >> idled: 3"
> >>
> >> In /etc/cyrus.conf, I have:   idled         cmd="idled"
> >> But nowhere on the disk can I find the idled command.. Ideas anyone?
> >
> > How about /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/idled ?
> > Should be there. The package I've just downloaded from factory has it.
> Found it.. Someone forgot one of the settings in the spec file, works
> fine now..
Should be fixed soon. Fixed package are currently being build.

Ralf Haferkamp
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