Hello Y'all. I sure hope that the gmane stuff will be working 100% soon.

Due to the changes in patterns and another tool I will talk about below, I
have a new version of makeSUSEdvd to be tested.
It is available at http://houghi.org/Fun/makeSUSEdvd.gz

First I must thank David Bolt for his time and effort.

The main changes are that now both Packman and Guru are added as an option
to be added. This will make installation later of certain software easier.
I am unsure if I should add those as OPTIONALURLS or as EXTRAURLS. Any
feedback on this is welcome

The second main change is more technical and was available in versions for
10.1 as well. It will add the pattern 'Personal' to the installation, so
that if you use e.g. `makeSUSEdvd -a /usr/src/packages/RPMS` these will be

Obviously it is easier to just download the DVD. However sometimes you
might want to add programs that are not included and still have it all on
one CD.

If you want to distribute SUSE based DVDs as descibed on
http://en.opensuse.org/Making_a_SUSE_based_distribution you can now also
remove Novell and SUSE branding with rembrand:
http://repos.opensuse.org/home:/jnweiger/SUSE_Factory/repodata/ (latest
version now is 1.1b-7.1)

That tool removes all branding, like wallpapers, backgrounds and so on. So
if you want to make your own branded DVD that includes e.g. your schools
logo and some extra software for your school, you do the following:

1) makeSUSEdvd -i -a /usr/src/packages/RPMS
This can be done with CD1-3, CD1-5, CD1-6 or the DVD. It will put a
temporary data in /tmp/CD_DIR and add all the RPMs in the
(sub-)directories of /usr/src/packages/RPMS
2) run rpm-rembrand on the rpm files in /tmp/CD_DIR with e.g. find and see
that all the files are save in e.g. ~/files.
3) Edit all the files in ~/files as you please or leave them blank or
4) run rpm-rembrand and see that the newly made RPMs end up overwriting
the files in /tmp/CD_DIR
5) Edit anything else that you need to edit in /tmp/CD_DIR according to
6) run `makeSUSEdvd -C` to make the ISO
7) burn and install
8) have fun.

I have net yet tested step 3, so all I had were some white icons and
There is a ticket open for this: 225146

So please give some feedback on the new makeSUSEdvd, both testing and
wether Packman an/or Guru should be default or optional.
If you want a DVD that just adds the Packman and Guru URLs, just run
makeSUSEdvd over the downloaded DVD you have.

Some testing and feedback on rembrand would also be apriciated. Files that
were missed or any other ideas would be nice. I think it is awesome that
Novell makes this possible.

"Why was I born with such contemporaries?"
                -- Oscar Wilde
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