I do not have the impression that the reported problems relate to YOU
and YaST PM.

Yeah. First link problem is clearly the (almost always) broken http
redirector. If he had added a mirror directly it would probably give
no errors at all. My 10.2 box is working good, without any zmd stuff
installed (as 10.1 was too, actually).

That said, Andreas Hanke, about the zmd bashing "volume": I expect it
to be just as much as the size of the problem it caused in 10.1, which
we both know what is the size of it, right? Something between
"destroyed the known universe" and "reverse big bang, 2nd revision".

Just to remind we are talking about a program that in 10.1 would
corrupt its data all by itself, without user intervention. You went to
sleep, let computer on, wake up and there it goes, repo data corrupted
on zmd. Really great.


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