Felix Miata schrieb:
> The inexplicable part is that the base tree doesn't contain everything
> pertaining to a particular release:
> This:
> http://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/update/10.2/
> Should be:
> http://ftp.suse.com/pub/opensuse/update/10.2/
> Because:
> http://ftp.opensuse.org/pub/opensuse/distribution/10.2/
> Is not:
> http://ftp.opensuse.org/pub/suse/distribution/10.2/


ftp.suse.com is /suse/, ftp.opensuse.org is /opensuse/.

The mirror thing is not a problem either, the base distribution is
separated from the update tree because mirrors don't necessarily want to
have everything. There are many mirrors which have only the update tree,
and there are some mirrors which have only the base distribution. Most
mirrors don't even have both.

Mirrors are documented/collected in the wiki. Users don't have to browse
mirrors themselves, but if they want to, they can be expected to
understand the mirror infrastructure themselves. I don't see why the
mirrors shouldn't have the base tree and the update tree together, but I
don't see why they should change their setup to have them together
either because these really originate from different servers.

The proposed change introduces inconsistency.


Do you see the pattern?

> There should be no way to choose to update with a GUI tool and not be
> shown everything that is available, except by explicit choice to show
> less than everything. People are going to see the short list object,
> choose it, and think everything is all up to date, just like I did last
> night.

Who made up this specification? Right now it's the other way round. You
won't be able to get this into YOU. You're expecting YOU to do something
it never claimed to do.

Updating any sort of packages other than those that belong to a patch is
explicitly unsupported.

All security updates from SUSE are part of a patch; if YOU doesn't show
anything, they are all installed. For anything else there is the regular
software installation module: /sbin/yast2 sw_single

(And yes, the functionality to update all packages to their most recent
versions is really there. Just look for it.)

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