Think minimal install plus the ability to add what _you_ need to it. The
minimal install doesn't need networking only the ability to add as an
extra choice.

Ken Schneider

I agree with you. We really should think minimal and then have the
installation (or post-installation) giving you the possibility to add
what you need: Xen, lvm, ...

I'm currently removing +/- 80 rpms from a base OpenSuse and SLES and I
would prefer to have to add them later.

Actually I'm a little biased cause I'm using suse on servers, not as a
desktop. In this sense it would be fine with to me have by default a
"base system" which would be fine with "normal users" but having the
possibility during the installation to select a "minimum system". Take
into consideration that I'm thinking minimal for servers on which I
would add apache, postfix, tomcat, etc ..., not embedded systems.

Actually I would love to see the basic suse been less fat, i.e near
debian's base system which is +/- 350 MB (at least that what I
remember from my last installation 2 years ago)

King regards,


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