
Advice - be very careful if you use the SuSE updater.

You should report such issues to bugzilla instead of discouraging users from 
testing factory.

In your bugzilla report, be very specific about the information you provide 
(which updater are you using: we have lots of them; which .so.3 is causing 
problems; we have lots of them) and attach logfiles.

Advising people to be careful with the SuSE updater does not get the bugs fixed.

Oh yea - the updater even screwed up Yast - it was looking for a .so.4 lib which was missing. I fixed the by linking it to the only file which was a .so.3

Never create such symlinks, this is wrong. If this would work (which it 
doesn't), the library had not been renamed from .so.3 to .so.4 in the first 

I'm guessing that with .so.3 and .so.4, you mean libcurl. Yes, this library had 
a major update recently, but there is a compatibility package, so this should 
not have happened. (The update worked for me). If it didn't work smoothly for 
you, this is a bug that must be fixed instead of being worked around.

Andreas Hanke

In a direct email, I've pointed to the correct version of curl that has been available in factory since 23rd. Feb. I've only had one problem with YaST for which I opened a bug and that was fixed by yast2-packager-2.15.18-2, bugzilla delivers, but quite often problems are due to local screwups, the worst can be caused by people using "make install" of an updated local source build, hence I always recommend using "checkinstall" and "rpm -Uvh" to keep the RPM database honest.
Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Licensed Private Pilot
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