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Rajko M. wrote:
> On Sunday 04 March 2007 21:31, Sid Boyce wrote:
>> Carlos E. R. wrote:
>>> I agree with you and jdd: I just have never used IRC and I don't like it.
>>> I'm biased because till recently I did not have a permanent network
>>> connection, so irc was out of the question. Also, what I write I do
>>> slowly and thoughtfully, I can't correspond usefully on chat: I go back,
>>> read what I have just wrote and correct it.

IRC is more like talking. How slow do you talk ?

>>> I suppose many non English speakers would think similarly.

I am and I totally disagree ;P

>>> Also, I understand others will prefer chat: so let's have more than one
>>> method.

More than one method to synchronize efforts ?

>> As an English speaker, I never have liked IRC either, it along with
>> Mobile texting remind me too much of the old clattering Reed Teletype
>> machines of a bygone age, they were old hat from the day they were
>> invented and worse still, built and shipped.

Obviously you haven't used IRC often either ;)

> After all posts about IRC, I decided to make a list of my reasons:
> - One has to pick up pieces of conversation that belong to him in a mess on 
> the screen which takes attention from the content. This is good suited for 
> chat, but not for serious work.

Wrong. That's extremely efficient at getting serious work done because
it's interactive and you don't have to wait a day before getting a reply
as with emails. You can get it immediately.

> - Once something is gone from the screen it can be found in the logs, which 
> in 
> effect lowers average speed substantially. Old messages are not important in 
> a chat, so this doesn't make a problem, but in bug solving effort it will 
> make problems.

The point is to act on one item at a time. It's about being interactive,
immediate, to get the right people into the channel and get the work done.

> - Time zones exist and it is another reason against IRC

Yes but that's exactly the reasons for the deficiency of emails for
certain use cases. You send a mail, you get a reply 8 hours later while
you're sleeping, in the morning you reply, and 2 days later someone
sends a much better solution or opinion.

> - I have to learn how to use it efficiently, starting with command set, and 
> previous reasons don't help me to see why.

You just have to type the text. No special command set to know unless
you're a channel operator.

> There was a comment that email will be essentially repeating what is done on 
> bugzilla.
> Yes, it will be, but using medium where threading is supported which will 
> give 
> us easy way to see who is replying to what, which thread goes in right 
> direction. Bugzilla messages are not intended for discussions, and reading 
> beyond first few posts becomes quite annoying experience. 

But maybe the point about the triage is precisely to get it done
quickly, not spend weeks to discuss it -- exactly as on bugzilla or
using emails.

- --
  -o) Pascal Bleser     http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/
 _\_v The more things change, the more they stay insane.
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