I would like to go even further and feature-request openSUSE setup on
NTFS entirely ! ! !

Is it possible to achieve ?
-NTFS capabilities: I don't know for sure, but it looks like NTFS-3g
has enough POSIX compatibility to make it possible to install openSUSE
on ntfs-3g partition entirely.
That is - mount "/" partition on NTFS, as well as swap-on-NTFS.

-How to install ?
I have theoretical alternative: use RPM for Cygwin to just install
openSUSE distro on local Windows folder, without rebooting and going
through Yast-setup.

Some easy setup could be built very quickly for Windows (using InnoSetup)

Then we will need just to reboot into openSUSE to start the new system !

-What this will require from openSUSE?
probably integrating ntfs-3g into the ditrso, plus building initrd
with ntfs-3g, so that the kernel can mount the "/" partition.

What do you think about it?

Please help me push ntfs-3g into openSUSE !

-Alexey Eremenko "Technologov"
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