On Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 09:27:24AM -0500, Donn Washburn wrote:
> Hey Group;
> SuSE 10.3Alpha4 rpm -q = gcc-4.1.3-46 updated with Yast2
> I think I have tracked out a problem with gcc 4.2 and c++.
> Two different programs that require C++ are dying at the "c++ -V"

What do you mean with 'the "c++ -V" test'?

> test.  If I try it directly "C++ -V" it states it needs a argument

If you call "C++" it generally should state that an executable called "C++"
does not exist.

> I tried "c++ -V somegarbage".  c++ reported a error stating that it 
> could not find i586-suse-linux-gcc-somegarbage.  locate find no
> "i586-suse-linux-gcc-".  However, /usr/i586-suse-linux is there.

Sure.  openSUSE does not ship with a gcc version "somegarbage".

> Anyone else seen a problem of this type?

Which problem? That you get error messages when you call tools with incorrect
parameters? That's pretty standard behavior.


Robert Schiele
Dipl.-Wirtsch.informatiker      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."

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