On Monday 25 June 2007 21:42:54 wrote Peter Czanik:
> Hello,
> Nat Friedman wrote:
> > During Hack Week, our entire Linux engineering team -- hundreds of
> > people -- will be working on whatever Linux or open source projects
> > interest them.  Everyone will work alone or in teams, on existing open
> > source projects or new ideas of their own.  No one will tell them what
> > or what not to do -- it's a free week for free hacking, driven by
> > individual passion.
> Does this also mean, that no factory release this week? I'm eagerly
> waiting for a new, complete PPC factory release...

In general Factory should not be affected, because it gets generated 

However, it seems we have a bug in this process atm ... I will try to beg 
someone to fix it despite of the hack week ...


Adrian Schroeter
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)

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