Martin Schlander napsal(a):
> Den Thursday 19 July 2007 17:51:39 skrev Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett:
>> In the case of YaST, should it download and refresh when adding the repos
>> in inst_source, or should it do it during startup of the package selector?
> Could we have it ask "Download repository metadata now?" after adding repo in 
> yast? Perhaps even with an estimated size of the download.

My proposal for the Yast workflow is here:

When adding a new repository in inst_sources:

- Add a new option to the Media Type dialog (the first dialog displayed after
pressing [Add]) - a check box with label "Download and parse metadata now",
turned on by default.

After entering URL and pressing [Next]:

- Scan available products in the URL (there is usually just one product,
  but there might be more products)

- For each found product:
        - probe repository type
        - download and display the message (if present)
        - download and display the license (if present),
          if it's not accepted remove the product

- Display the new repositories in the table

(Note that some files will be downloaded even if the metadata download is turned

After pressing [Finish]:

- save repositories to /etc/zypp/repos.d, if the repository has just been
created then download and parse metadata (if it hasn't been turned off)
(download should be postponed to the end, see bug #208461)

When starting the package manager:

- refresh and parse all missing metadata (and also refresh the repositories
which have autorefresh flag set)
- start the package manager

Any suggestions or improvements?

        Have a nice day!



Best Regards

Ladislav Slezák
Yast Developer
SUSE LINUX, s.r.o.                              e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lihovarská 1060/12                              tel: +420 284 028 960
190 00 Prague 9                                 fax: +420 284 028 951
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