Felix Miata wrote:
Sure would be nice to see serious progress on this subject soon, and
certainly before 10.3 goes gold. SUSE really doesn't need any more of this
kind of press, nor do its users deserve YaST behavior so much worse than 10.0
and prior:

I just had a quick read of the article, set up evolution, starts in less than 2 seconds. As far as YaST is concerned, a problem I opened in Alpha4, I've not yet encountered in 10.3Beta1. I have quite a number of users on openSUSE and one on SimplyMepis. I've used SuSE since around version 6.2 in a corporate environment and on customer sites doing everything, Solaris SPARC patches, admin multiple Solaris servers and partitions, giving PowerPoint presentations, using Citrix client, Lotus Notes under wine, Cisco VPN on the road and at home to connect to our Corporate servers and lots of other stuff and never suffered a problem because of the software, even bearing in mind I am always using bleeding edge stuff on SuSE. Our Windows servers crashed and were infected with viruses which caused severe disruption. Right now I have to look at 2 XP boxes that have been taken over by viruses, one that had AVG ant-virus installed and received prompt online updates, at least I hope the users accepted the updates as they were asked to do. Even the complete novices I have installed Linux for have had no trouble, just a few questions as to how to do things, the Windows boxes I always have to revisit and I'm on the verge of never again looking at Windows problems for anyone - very time consuming and nasty. Occasional dabblers/evaluators in Linux who rush back to Windows will always see big problems in Linux and in my experience Windows users will tell you they have no problems using Windows, then when the conversation drags on, out comes their tales of woe, but they still love Windows.
Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Licensed Private Pilot
Emeritus IBM/Amdahl Mainframes and Sun/Fujitsu Servers Tech Support Specialist, Cricket Coach
Microsoft Windows Free Zone - Linux used for all Computing Tasks

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