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Manfred Tremmel schreef:
> Am Dienstag, 21. August 2007 20:14 schrieb M9.:
>> [...]

> It's not much to do, to get aiglx to work. It's simply a little change
> in the xorg.conf
> http://de.opensuse.org/AIGLX#Aktivieren_von_AIGLX
> (sorry, seems to be no english translation).
>> but there is also spoken about the proprietary driver..
>> would berryl work ok with the proprietary driver? (compiz does
>> not..:-( )
> When compiz doesn't work, berryl doesn't, too. Both use the same base.
> The proprietary ati driver has no aiglx support, when xgl doesn't work,
> too, you can forget it. Why using proprietary driver, when the free one
> works better?
> If you do understand a little bit german, take a look at
> http://www.iiv.de/schwinde/buerger/tremmel/suse_m6842nw.html#31

I do not know what the atidriver f****d up after uninstalling, but
something is missing in the kernel..

simply adding load "dri" to the module section in xorg.conf, prevents
'x' from starting...

after logging into tty1, which was possible after adding "true" behind
load "dri", i found out no xserver was running, and started up sax2.
Offcourse it did come up with his own server, and overwrote all tha
changes made to xorg.conf.

I also noticed that before starting sax, and looking at xorg.conf from
10.3, that my monitor had changed from videoseven to cmc (?)...

So uninstalling the proprietary ati driver *did* realy change some
things, most annoying. :-(

What could be done to find out which files are missing, without
reinstalling 10.2?

- --

Have a nice day,

M9.               Now, is the only time that exists.

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