Steffen Winterfeldt wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Aug 2007, richard (MQ) wrote:
>> Earlier versions of SuSE / OpenSuSE ran (albeit slowly) on low-end
>> machines - YaST installation detecting the lack of RAM and requesting
>> swap before continuing.
>> Tried 10.3 Beta-1 (KDE single CD) on one such (Pentium-1, 133 MHz, 80 M
>> RAM, 2G HDD with swap already prepared - runs OSL 10.0 at present).
>> Install (standard and 'safe settings' tried) aborts with a kernel panic
>> 'out of memory' shortly after 'moving into tmpfs', no attempt to ask for
>> swap.
>> Is this expected / intended behaviour? - in which case it might be nice
>> to warn potential users! Very little on the wiki about minimum spec...
> Does booting with 'addswap=-1' help?


Thanks for the suggestion but no joy. I tried this both in standard and
'safe settings' installation, also 'rescue system' - still does a kernel
panic at the same place.

Are there any other options to this boot parameter? Where would I find a
Richard (MQ)
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