Donn Washburn wrote:
> I may being say goodbye to my old Hauppauge Model 401 pci buss TV/FM
> perfectly good card due to the FCC forcing HiDef down our throats.
> To that is there a good Linux PCI HiDef TV/FM card out there?
> As I remember at the first of 2009 this switch will take effect.  The
> local FREE TV station will drop analog and go to the forced on the
> broadcaster and us HD TV.  My guess is the US government is looking for
> fees, and taxes as income.  Most people are happy with their old analog
> TVs  Shades of Quad HiFi!!

Digital TV is great and does not necessarily mean pay-TV, HDTV or
even a conspiracy. Have a look at
Unfortunately DVB uses MPEG and many cards require firmware so you
won't be able to watch TV out of the openSUSE box anymore even
though the hardware is supported in principle.


 (o_   Ludwig Nussel
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg)

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