On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 02:49:11PM +0200, Joachim Bremer wrote:

> on a fresh install I noticed the following Problems:
> 1.) there will be a file Desktop in the initial users home directory 
> preventing
> gnome to create a directory of the same name. This directory has to be removed
> manually to get a working gnome desktop
> This is true for x86_64 and x86

Please file a bug report on this.

> 2.) yast2 will not start on gnome with the following error output:
> /usr/lib/YaST2/bin/y2controlcenter-gnome: symbol lookup error:
> /usr/lib/YaST2/bin/y2controlcenter-gnome: undefined symbol: 
> apss_already_running
> however the kde-version (y2controlcenter) will start normally.
> This is true for x86_64 and x86

This is worth a bugreport as well. Severity -> Criticat + STOP_SHIP. (I have
verified this bug on my latests Beta3plus installation, GNOME 1CD.)

Please also make sure to CC coolo and myself on that bug.

> 3.) After enabling desktop effects all windows on a gnome Desktop dont't
> have a border. That means you not able to move (except with holding the
> alt-key), resize or close the window on the desktop. I noted this behavior
> on an ATI card (x1600) as well as on an Nvidia card (7900GS). The other
> expected effects work fine. X11 reports that all drivers and extensions
> where loaded and ready. KDE is fine in all respects. On a 10.2
> installation on the same machine everything is ok.
> This is only true on x86_64 - x86 is fine at all.

Looks like compiz crashed. Please check your ~/.xsessions-errors.

Christoph Thiel, Tech. Project Management, Research & Development
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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