>> I have to agree with Andreas Vetter.  Firefox/java/flash should simply
>> work, without manual intervention, on any gui installation (even
>> x86_64).
>> In my opinion, the decision to go with only OSS solutions - even though
>> they don't work right - is likely to push end-users toward other
>> distributions.
> Can you name a distribution that has a working java on x86_64? perhaps we
> can
> check how they solved it.
> Greetings, Stephan

Sorry.  openSUSE is the only 64-bit o/s that I've tested so far.  I've
tried a few other 32-bit distros, but I've been reluctant to spend much
time with them because we use Novell OES at work.  I tried installing
64-bit NLD on my work PC, but had to back off because too many things
didn't work (at that time).

I apologize for complaining without sufficiently testing other distros.

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