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Peter Czanik schreef:
> Hello,
> Just finished installing RC1 on PPC. I remembered to see something like
> 'opensuse-codecs-installer' in changelog, so tried to check, if it means
> proper mp3 support in 10.3.
> First experience: I installed GNOME for a test. First tried banshee, did
> not start. Then totem, but the same. Starting them from the command line
> shows an ugly loud crash for both applications.
> Second: installed KDE, as I usually do. Opened the mp3 file with
> kaffeine. First I got a dialog box, if I want to install a suitable
> codec. When answering 'yes', I got two pages opened, one for mp3 and a
> second one for xvid. Both of them explained that I wanted to open an
> unsupported media file, but nothing more.
> Question: what is the status of codec support? Do I see useless pages,
> because no content is yet there, or because PPC is not supported? (I
> have yet to install on x86)
> Bye,
> CzP

I hope you get an answer on this question that helps, i did not few
weeks earlier... ;-)

(unofficial reply..;-):

If you have a packman repo it is all there.. ;-)
(if yast troubles about unsolvable deps, just use smart it can import
the nessesary keys without any probs...;-)

- --

Have a nice day,

M9.               Now, is the only time that exists.

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