On 2007/09/20 00:44 (GMT-0600) [EMAIL PROTECTED] apparently typed:

> https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=218122

> --- Comment #25 from Andreas Jaeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  2007-09-20 00:44:01 
> MST ---
> See the release notes

They don't say what one should find in /dev as a result of running
activate_dm_linear or what if anything people running >15 on SATA can do or

Tentative release notes for 10.3 seem to be nicely hidden, not yet on
http://en.opensuse.org/Release_Notes. It would be nice to see
http://www.suse.com/relnotes/i386/openSUSE/10.2/RELEASE-NOTES.en on
http://en.opensuse.org/Factory and/or http://en.opensuse.org/Development_Version

> (and bug # 305095)-

I've been following that and every other related bug (keyword >15). Most of
what's in them seems pretty cryptic. I would expect running
activate_dm_linear /dev/sda at the start of an RC1 install should produce
some evidence that anything happened in /dev, but I don't see it.

> and use "hwprobe=-modules.pata" to
> not use libata at all.

I don't see how that could be of any help on SATA systems with >15
partitions. I already use it on PATA.

> The workaround from Hannes needs some more work we will do for RC2 - but even
> then it will not be nicely integrated and only something for a real hacker. 

>From what I can tell in the relevant bugs, activate_dm_linear seems simple
enough for an unreal hacker to manage. I've been ready for quite some time if
only I could find functional guidance on what to do or evidence that anything
resulted from what I did.

> This needs more work for 11.0.

Obviously. :-p I feel like the progress so far is behind a locked door to
which the public key is hidden by secret code, or doesn't exist.

> The general advise really is to use hwprobe=-modules.pata - this works just
> fine.


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 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

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