Carlos E. R. wrote:

> Ah! Before I forget: I wrote to '/etc/sysconfig/kernel' this line:
> MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT="cryptoloop twofish"
> I think this should work to load those two modules instead of using boot.local

It will, but it will be over-written on upgrade. The point about
/etc/boot.local is that it is (supposed to be!) protected when upgrading
(and is also easy to backup / restore manually). Same applies to a
number of other files with similar names (I think this is specific to
OpenSuSE ?)

> My procedure is simpler. First I create an empty file:
> nimrodel:~ # nice dd if=/dev/zero of=crypta_f_dvd \
> bs=1MB count=4700

> I didn't think to randomize it, as I suppose the encryption thing will do its 
> work. The file has the exact size of a DVD image. Then I encrypt it via loop:

As a general principle, you should use a fresh (different) random set
for each such encrypted file / disc, so that an attacker has less to go
on when trying to crack it (e.g. by comparing encrypted files & looking
for correlations). The extra security is probably rather irrelevant here...

> And I create the XFS filesystem on the loop device:

Just out of interest - why XFS?

> The problem nowdays is that DVDs are too small for making backups of a 300 
> GiB 
> HD :-(

Quite so. Even HD DVDs (when they finally become mainstream) are tiny in
Richard (MQ)

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