Juan Erbes napsal(a):
> I could'nt lograte to make to work the adsl in Network in First Stage
> Installation. I do'nt gives the option to place user and pasword to
> connect.

ADSL seems to suffer from the same symptoms as wireless network does.
There are no special options allowed. Only LAN cards are supported so far.

The current solution for ADSL seems to be the same as for wireless:
manual setup. But I doubt that inst-sys even contains needed scripts and
binaries to really set it up.

According to MVidner, you'd need 'pppd' binary which is, in fact, not
included in inst-sys. So the only way is to create an Add-On CD that
would contain update of the inst-sys. Since we have a YaST module
Add-On-Creator, this shouldn't be a big problem. Information about
Add-Ons and Add-On-Creator can be found on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

See also http://en.opensuse.org/YaST



Lukas Ocilka, YaST Developer                     (xn--luk-gla45d)
SUSE LINUX, s. r. o., Lihovarska 1060/12, Praha 9, Czech Republic

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