Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
> My first installation went without a hickup and everything looks good,
> after a quick glance anyway. Thanks!!
> I left the grub settings at the suggestion made by yast. root fs is
> /dev/md2 (it's a spare partition). Boot loader was installed to md2.
> System bootet fine - with the grub menu from the 10.2 installation on
> that system (which I had forced into mbr). Does this mean there would
> have been nothing much but a black screen on first boot had the previous
> boot loader not been there?
> How many people boot from a Linux software raid1? The booting works
> fine, but few releases of 8.x, 9.x and 10.[012] do install it
> functionally in my experience.
> Volker
I installed 10.3 onto a 8 drive combo HW and MD raid.  I have been beta
testing and found I needed to regress to kernel .25 other than that it
is GM.  I needed to go back to .25 kernel due to the driver for the HW
raid controller driver which hasn't caught up to all of the changes yet
<frown> .  I am running off of pure MD raid partitions for the Linux OS
including the MBR, /boot and / (root).   If you are interested, I've
included links to screenshots of the partition table, fstab and GRUB
setup for this installation.   There is no external partition used to
boot as everything is contained in the MD raid structure.   The swap is
raid 0, the boot and root are both raid 1 and home is raid 5.   The HW
array /raidbox is also raid5 and formatted ext3.   Version 10.2 was the
first SuSE version to support installation to MD software raid I
believe.   One problem remains, a serious one:   The repair function
doesn't know squat about fixing a MD raid installation if it has a
problem, so you are kind of on your own if it breaks, but it is being
worked on.


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