Birger Kollstrand wrote:
Might be interesting as well - but this mail was asking developers who
use openSUSE to get first hand experience with other systems,

Is it an idea to collect the initial feedback from reviewers in the
different counties and post in this thread? I gusee most of you guys
don't speak Norwegian for instance :-)

Two genral areas that is good to focus on from my Norwegian point of view is:
- Laptop's need to be focused as the premier desktop machines. I do
not have factual numbers from sales sources, but seen from our company
and the companies we are working for laptop vs. desktop is 3:1 Also in
the advertisements it is laptops that are focused for private
- Speed. Boot up speed, system install speed execution speed, sw install speed.

Funktionality wise we have 99% of what we need. The OS is good. There
is an abundance of applications. It needs attention to usability.

Regards Birger
IS/IT Manager and Senior Engineer
Devoteam Telecom Norway

Be more specific about the usability issues. I have total newbies using 10.x for all tasks without problems. Even back at 8.0, a colleague who had only been on an intro to Unix class, borrowed my CD's and I got a call a few weeks later, expecting to be asked some tricky newbie questions, instead, he said his wife loved it. She was using it to conduct her photographic business, glad to be rid of the Windows crashes and lost work.

At work, I used to demonstrate to colleagues how much more functional and usable SuSE was for our line of work, compared to Windows and Solaris workstations that were their staple OS's.
Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Licensed Private Pilot
Emeritus IBM/Amdahl Mainframes and Sun/Fujitsu Servers Tech Support Specialist, Cricket Coach
Microsoft Windows Free Zone - Linux used for all Computing Tasks

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