On Saturday 29 December 2007 06:32:04 am M9. wrote:
> Hi,
> It might sound stupid and...
> Maybe i am mistaken, or dreamed it, but was there not an url for to
> update broken factory pkgs?
> If there was or is such a 'channel',or url, would the one who knows the
> adress please put it in this list?
> The reason i ask this, is to be able to repair broken apps, like Yast or
> smart.
> Some pkgs where these depend on are broken, and thus unuseable...

The Factory is strange repository. 
It is like end of assembly line, before inspection, in real manufacturing 
plant ie. factory. It doesn't need repair repository. 

You as a inspector just drop bad assembly, write findings in the bugzilla, or 
this list, and take another piece that is comming.

Try to use 
  zypper se yast2
  zypper up -t package <list of yast2>
The list is manually created with paste and copy from first list. 

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