On Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 09:22:57AM -0600, Donn Washburn wrote:
> Hey Group;
> My camera problem has to be a udev <> kernel headache.
> I have plugged in/out the USB camera and "lsusb" finds it every time.
> However /dev never seems to get a new device.  The next sd device should 
> be "sdd" and have only one partition that is vfat.
> To check for any thing helpful I have looked at
> "find /sys -name dev" and "cat /sys/block/sdd/size"
> with no sdd found results.  I have written a dev.rules that is 
> 83-camera.rules.
> udevinfo -a -p /sys/block/sdd  and the answer is "no valid sysfs device 
> found"
> lsusb shows.  All ports on this MB are USB 2.0
> Bus 001 Device 007: ID 07b4:0109 Olympus Optical Co., Ltd
> This has got to be a SuSE 103 GM related problem because it works great 
> everytime on my nephews Ubuntu system Laptop.
> Anyone have a clue as to the flow of the usb->kernel->udev->write devfile.
> " http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html#example-camera " seems 
> to have some good examples of udev rules.

Did you install the updates "libgphoto2" RPM from the update channels?

Ciao, marcus
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