Den Wednesday 09 January 2008 15:41:48 skrev Ladislav Michnovič:
> 2008/1/9, Stephan Kulow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > - we got a roadmap for openSUSE 11.0 - next milestone alpha 1 happening
> >   next week
>  I read the Roadmap at and my humble
> opinion is that we should have 4 beta releases, not only 3. The point
> is that many bugs are reported lately and sometimes users start to
> test higher Beta release (not the first one). And those lately
> reported bugs are often not really critical so they can't be fixed in
> RC so they stay unfixed in final release.
>  I know it is probably too late to talk about this for 11.0, but we
> can observe if my point is correct.

I think your point is well established, but increasing the freeze period, 
while good for stability, brings other problems, like the risk of the release 
being more outdated. It's a matter of striking the right balance. But maybe 
it should be considered renaming the last alpha to beta0, just for the 
psychological effect. Or maybe add a beta between a3 and b1.

I note that compared to 10.3 schedule there's an extra week added between rc1 
and internal gm, which I think is great. 

My greatest worry about the roadmap is the flexibility, in case of an early 
KDE 4.1. If we release with KDE3 as "default KDE" and KDE 4.0 as an option, 
Kubuntu, Mandriva and Fedora will probably kick our asses when they all 
presumably release with "production ready" KDE4.x as default in the fall, and 
openSUSE would have a hard time competing until 11.1 in early 2009. I hope 
openSUSE 11.0 roadmap will not be set in stone until KDE 4.1 schedule is 
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