
> I wonder if it is possible to update a partition containing factory (10.3
> beta, actually) while the running system (different system version)
> resides in another partition.
>               control
>    running    ------>    updating (stopped)
>    standard 10.3         factory 11α
> The idea is to be able to continue doing things elsewhere while the
> lengthy download takes place.
> A posibility would be vmware, I guess.

  It is possible with a simple chroot(1). I run SLED10-SP1 daily, but have
a separated partition with openSUSE-Factory, for development purposes.
  Assuming that the openSUSE installation is on /dev/sda2, you can use
the following script (you'll probably have to tweak it to fit your environment):



if ! grep -q /dev/sda2 /proc/mounts; then
        mount /dev/sda2 /opensuse
for part in proc sys dev; do
        if ! grep -q /opensuse/$part /proc/mounts; then
                mount --bind /$part /opensuse/$part

cp -f /etc/resolv.conf /opensuse/etc/resolv.conf
chroot /opensuse

umount /opensuse/proc
umount /opensuse/sys
umount /opensuse/dev
umount /opensuse

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