On Wed, 2011-12-21 at 12:11 +0100, Wolfgang Rosenauer wrote:
> this is basically a beginner question but nevertheless.

No such thing is there?

> I'm searching for hints how to make Gnome 3 actually usable on a
> 1024x768 screensize. This screen is no! touch screen so I don't need
> application icons as on a tablet.
> Also the default window decorations are just far too big and take too
> much screen estate.

When Frederic first created the GNOME3 image last year I installed it on
my eeePC 701 which has a useless 800x480 resolution on the 7" screen. It
worked pretty well without any real issue. I've tried recently, so can't
say if things have changed. My biggest issue was more with application
dialogues rather than gnome-shell getting in the way.

If the panel gets too crowded then gnome-tweak-tool and some extensions
can help limit what's on there. As for window decoration, that appears
to be something that got carried over from Moblin/MeeGo. I'm not sure if
a new theme would resolve that.

I'd be interested in what you do to get something really usable for the
low resolution.



Andrew Wafaa
IRC: FunkyPenguin
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