Il 01/07/2014 18:05, Malcolm ha scritto:
> On Tue, 01 Jul 2014 17:42:57 -0300 Marco Calistri
> <> wrote:
>> Il 01/07/2014 17:10, Patrick Shanahan ha scritto:
>>>> At the end have I to disable upower from Yast or not?
>>> no but I imagine that you can.  Also: systemctl stop upower 
>>> systemctl disable upower
>>> You *do* read the responses you get ???
>>>> Is it a problem with my battery or probably with something
>>>> else insided
>>> AGAIN: appears an incompatibility between your system and the 
>>> software, ie: support for your system is not there. Which you
>>> were told earlier in the thread.
>>> w/o systems availabile for testing, much can be missed.  And if
>>> you do not submit bug reports, unlikely to *ever* be fixed.
>>> Really, free software is not enitrely free.  You are expected to
>>> help, ie: with bug reports.
>> All OK, I accept your blames but certainly I'm not alone with this
>> not supported hardware problem, then do not base the overall issue
>> still not resolved just upon the fact that myself have not been a
>> good free-software user and has not contributed with opening of bug
>> reports because many others are complaining about same not working 
>> power-management in Linux.
>> I red the responses from you and Malcolm and these are not in sync 
>> about upower enabling, for this reason I'm asking confirmations, 
>> beside this it could be possible I miss something because I'm not 
>> Anglo-Saxon then some words or concepts can even escape from my 
>> understanding.
>> Regards,
> Hi On my systems upower is not enabled, yours is for what ever
> reason? I'm not running 3.12 only 3.10.
> On this HP 4440s I run with the following boot option (for
> brightness control);
> acpi_osi=\"!Windows 2012\"
> Maybe adding this will help with newer hardware?


During this meanwhile I updated my kernel to latest stable which is
something around version 3.15, then I cleaned all my previous boot
options from grub2 and added just your suggested line:

acpi_osi=\"!Windows 2012\"

I have not yet had the possibility to test the reached battery limit but
I noticed an encouraging fact: the warning message of Upower about
battery design is disappeared:

UPower-Linux-WARNING **: energy_full (43.772400) is greater
than energy_full_design (41.990400)

Then may be your suggestion did the trick!


Marco Calistri (amdturion)
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