On Sun 2016-05-22, Richard Brown wrote:
>> Manually invoking syndaemon does not strike me as an approach we
>> want to force on our users (and I would not have thought of that
>> either), so what can we do?
>> Should syndaemon be started automatically?
> I was under the impression that syndaemon was 'on the way out' with
> libinput being the 'future' for such things
> Maybe we should be installing xf86-input-libinput if it's ready and
> working with upstream to iron out and bugs there

I have now installed xf86-input-libinput-0.19.0-1.1.x86_64 and 
while that seemed to do the job yesterday, I just invoked syndaemon 
manually since the touchpad was interfering way too much with 
my typing.

Unless and until xf86-input-libinput is fixed, I sure hope
syndaemon is not going away.

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