Dear openSUSE GNOME users,

You might have read already in the NEWS (then you were fast!) that
GNOME 3.22 has been released [0]

Of course the openSUSE GNOME Team has been very actively involved, in
close collaboration with upstream, to get this also available for
openSUSE Tumbleweed 'in no time'.

As is the usuaal process, GNOME 3.22.0 is now available in the devel
project 'GNOME:Factory'. The entire stack has already been submitted to
Staging, passed integration tests, has been tested by openQA [1] and
will be made available to Tumbleweed within the next couple days. This
is likely one of the shortest integration windows the GNOME Team has
ever achieved - and I doubt there is much room to compress it even

Should you, despite all testing, find bugs, please raise them for
discussion on the mailing lists (opensuse-gnome or opensuse-factory) or
reach out directly to the team on IRC (#opensuse-gnome on

I hope you will enjoy the updated GNOME as much as we already do :)



PS: before the question comes up: LEAP 42.2 will be based on GNOME 3.20
and share its codebase with SLE12SP2. There are no plans to offer addon
repos. The Leap target audience cares for stability and supportability
over version numbers.

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