
SCALE (Southern California Linux Expo) Call for Papers is now open until
December 13, 2010.  SCALE will be in Los Angeles February 25-27, 2011.
I would encourage anyone interested in giving talks about openSUSE to
submit their papers to this event.  There's lots to talk about openSUSE,
so don't be shy!

Here's the link.

Also of interesting notice is that SCALE will offer tutorial sessions as
well.  A suggestion for any OBS experts out there, perhaps we can
organize a tutorial session showing how to use OBS to package for
different distros, and not just openSUSE?

At some point in the coming months, we'll also see about setting up an
openSUSE booth and will welcome volunteers to support the booth.

Bryen M Yunashko
openSUSE Board Member
openSUSE Marketing Team lead

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