On Tuesday 21 September 2010 21:08:48 Jimmy Pierre wrote:
> Greetings,
> The car had to be towed to a Dealer because, the windscreen was smashed.
> OK, SFD 2010, where do I begin?
> We solicited the Propaganda machine:
> News papers: Paris - Normandie, Rouen Magazine
> National Radios : RTL and France Bleue
> RSS :  All LUGs in France
> Forums: Our usual partners alionet.org
> Mailing lists : opensuse-fr, interlug, april.org .
> Posters: printed on A3 in colour
> Uniforms : no openSUSE t-shirts, we indulged in Novell shirts
> Banners : Novell Users International
> DVDs : Thanks to openSUSE 11.3 only as we gave all our stock of 11.1 at RMLL
> in Bordeaux.
> Material : 5 laptops with openSUSE 11.3 and in standby 16 Boxes with
> openSUSE 11.1 - 11.2,
> WI-FI: Our partners of Rouen-Wireless were there
> Room for the venue : Rouen City Associations House
> Logistics, refreshments & food : NUI.fr
> Participants: NUI.fr, wikimedia France & LANPOWER
> Websites: nui.fr jmll.fr jmll.org jmll.info & softwarefreedomday.org
> Ranking and web submission : AddWeb
> We were overwhelmed  by the visitors. We distributed 211 openSUSE 11.3 DVDs
> to the casual visitors and a few SUSE 11 SP1 to people from the Ministry of
> Education. 
> We started sfd with demonstration of CMS, we showed fresh installation and
> tweaking of software from http://opensourcecms.com This took a couple of
> hours because the process was challenging and over a wireless link sometimes
> falling at 2mb.
> Coffee break and we struggled our way into FOSS games. The audience was
> quite interested that you could use Linux to work but also to play games and
> some of them are "clones" of Windows games. We gave some advice on using
> Wine, but demonstrated that installation of openSUSE 11.3 alongside with
> Windows would be their best bet. Dual booting and showing how to configure
> in Yast.
> We taught people into installing openSUSE 11.3 (OK we cheated here) on a
> particular laptop (a fast one). There were a few challengers. Some people
> deeply anchored into Ubuntu and Debian were a bit cold on doing the big
> move! One guy even came with his laptop loaded with CentOS not to nag us but
> to ask advice on wireless. I showed him how easy we were connected with 5
> makes of laptops (Asus, HP, Packard bell, Compaq) with wireless. He will
> give openSUSE a try!
> We had our usual visitors and fans and in particular the Chess Club of the
> city. He wants to interface his Chess board with a Linux box. Well, if any
> of you has some ideas.. 
> We had a debate on Gnome and KDE 4. This does drain your brains because it's
> like loving automatic car v/s a manual car. Both cars work fine, it's like
> tea with sugar or just tea.
> Wikimedia France was there and gave a lecture on wikis, that was
> interesting, I did learn a few things as well. We showed the wiki of
> softwarefreedomday.org and we were the *only* LUG in France doing something.
> We finished the day with practical labs on openSSH, mRemote, Xen, blogs
> (mainly WP), CSS.
> Each visitor was given a pen to write our email down and then they could
> keep it! What a pity, no pens left, not even for me!
> There were many other stories, but time is of essence, so I'll keep it
> short. We are now getting ready for the next round 16th October, 2010.
> We ran out of battery for our camera so here are the pics secured : 
> http://www.nui.fr/linpha/viewer.php?albid=14&stage=1
> Best wishes,
> Jimmy

Dude that is one heck of a report! I think such extensive reports should be 
articles on news.opensuse.org! Or at the least end up as a blog on planet...

What do you think, should this be an article? What do others think, should we 
make articles of these events? We can do a weekly article about the events our 
ambassadors have gone to? Anyone who feels like he/she can set up such a weekly 
page (I will help editing)?

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