On Thursday 16 December 2010 07:16:42 Helen wrote:
> > Our marketing structure seems to be failing. Maybe a good thing to
> > take another peek into Fedora and see how they do it and might be a
> > good idea to duplicate some of their procedures.
> 'Failing' is a trifle overstated, but the idea of borrowing ideas from
> other projects is a good one.
> I'm sure the folks over at Fedora  (like maybe Máirín Duffy ? well
> she's the only name I know) would be more than happy to chat with us
> and offer some insights.
> It would be nice if we could find some way to make the information we
> need more readily available, without adding any annoying
> administration to developer's work process.  Maybe someone could write
> a clever script that can sift out the minor changes and highlight the
> big ones?
> I'm always happy to wrap some pretty words around stuff. What is
> really difficult sometimes for me personally is knowing whether
> something is significant and what it means. So if someone can do some
> fundamental bit of information-gathering, I'll put my hand up to work
> collaboratively on this, so long as there's others who can correct,
> fill in gaps and so on.
> Perhaps a good first step would be to break the major changes into
> sections (eg under-the-hood, desktop, tools, toys....) and people
> 'check out' their favorite topics....

Good point.

> It's easy to spend hours having meetings about structures about
> processes about standards.... argue ourselves in circles and the work
> still has to be done!

Exactly, talk talk, procedures, plans etc - and nothing gets done. Let's focus 
on doing.

We should indeed contact the teams, anyone up for a few mails and a follow-up? 
Go to http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Teams and pick one or more teams, then try 
to contact them. I know, not everything is there - at least I have no idea 
where the Xorg ppl hang out. Any suggestions there are welcome. Psankar has 
experience with this so feel free to ask him and others who've been around for 
a long time (eg henne) for contact details. Feel free to use either IRC, mail 
or both.

Psankar just said the GNOME team is covered by him, Nelson, you up for talking 
to Bille about KDE 4.6?

Let's use Manu's etherpad to gather all the work: 
> best,
> Helen

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