2011/3/30 Helen South <helen.so...@opensuse.org>:
> Guys,
> re the upside down derivative logo on the outage note - is this a
> Novell-sanctioned use of the logo?
> It's cute but is clearly derivative of the openSUSE Geeko logo, which
> we are not permitted to change.
> http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1813788278137&id=1151116446#!/notes/opensuse/outage-of-buildapifeaturesopensuseorg-solved/10150127656811686

It also exists in the openSUSE wiki I think, I found that there and
had it as a wallpaper for a while actually, if I find the wiki page I
will send you the link.
> cheers
> Helen
> --
> IRC: helen_au
> helen.so...@opensuse.org
> helensouth.com
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