On 2011-04-01 Stuart wrote:
> All please see the release announcement for osCommerce 3.0 how can we
> combine this release whilst marketing openSUSE LAMP 11.4?

I don't understand your question... what does openSUSE have to do with 
them? What is it? Can you explain a bit more?

> Stuart
> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0
> Date: Friday 01 Apr 2011, 22:57:25
> From: "osCommerce" <h...@oscommerce.com>
> To: "Stuart Tanner" <stu...@bolin.org.uk>
> Is this newsletter not displaying correctly? Click here to view it on
> our website:
> http://www.oscommerce.com/about/news,136
> osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0
>    We are extremely excited and proud to announce the release of
> osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0! This conquers our largest milestone
> yet of building a new framework to base our future goals and
> releases on.
>    This  is  our first release that abstracts user features from the
> core framework to allow customizations to be easily applied, to
> improve existing and  introduce  new core framework API features,
> and by installing and managing Add-Ons for exciting new user
> features in a flexible and modular manner.
>    This abstraction no longer limits us to just providing only a shop
> frontend and a shop backend, but now introduces the opportunity to
> build entire websites with the framework. Our focus remains on
> e-commerce and cannot wait
>    to see what the community builds in addition.
>    osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0 is optimized for and requires PHP
> 5.3+, supports  real  database abstraction to support native
> database server features  such  as stored procedures, contains a
> separate namespace to override and perform customizations in, and
> can easily and securely be upgraded via signed Phar update packages.
>    Our focus on this release is to stabilize and freeze the framework
> API and to start building on user features with the community. It
> does not contain a
>    complete  base  feature set to start running an online shop on. We
> are continuing to work hard on completing the base feature set and
> will push out
>    each completed feature as an update package during April.
>    osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0 is now completely released under
> the BSD license to help drive innovation in the open and commercial
> markets.
>    We  welcome  you to explore the new possibilities of osCommerce
> Online Merchant v3.0 and to participate in its development to help
> and improve the core framework and introduce exciting new user
> features. Our future goals and roadmap are published at:
>    http://countdown.oscommerce.com
>    osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0 can be downloaded at:
>    http://www.oscommerce.com/solutions/downloads
>    The hard work continues! We look forward to working with the
> community in improving the framework, and to deliver new features
> with a regular release cycle.
>    Thank you for your continued support! We wish you the best of fun
> and business with this release!
> Click here to unsubscribe from this newsletter:
> http://oscommerce.us1.list-
> manage1.com/unsubscribe?u=a5961750a3635e18fdf4bb539&id=10af90c126&e=6
> 09abf7b50&c=c4f7c7bed8
> Newsletter managed by MailChimp:
> http://www.mailchimp.com/?pid=bieyxmalkdor9365nvhd&source=website
>    You are receiving this e-mail as part of your newsletter
> subscription made on our website
>    osCommerce, Sell With Emotion
>    Harald Ponce de Leon, Remscheider Str. 96, 42659 Solingen, Germany
>    http://www.oscommerce.com
> -----------------------------------------

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