I Don't know If I understand right(since it is a biiiig e-mail ;-) )
but I think you are asking from us to tell you our opinion about if we
think that you should send some items to contributors of any kind and
what item(s) should that be. Also if you come up with something you
are asking for people to support you spread them.
 If that is the case I tell you that in Greece and in countries around
Greece I can help. Now my vote on items is an iContribute t-shirt and
a Flash-drive with an openSUSE 11.4 .iso inside (instead of a box) so
that contributors can easily install our favorite distribution to
friends. This will reduce the postage and packaging cost a lot.
If I did not understand right just ignore my e-mail ;-)

2011/4/6 Andreas Jaeger <a...@novell.com>:
> The board in our project meeting asked me to discuss with you and come up
> with an idea on how to recognize contributors to openSUSE (say thanks to
> them), so here's my email that I sent initially to the board and let's
> discuss what we can and want to do.
> Basically, I seek a fair process and one that's easy to implement and
> execute. ;)
> I've spend quite some time thinking about this and discussing it and
> therefore this email is a bit longer and list several options and ideas.
> I already send the contributors on our existing list an email telling them
> that we're not going to send them anything for now - but seek alternatives.
> I got quite some positive feedback and have appended it at the end in
> anonymous form.
> Btw. especially the marketing team is one of the teams that  I guess never
> made it on the list of getting a box - and I consider this really unfair -
> so let's find a fair process (or decide there is none and leave it). So,
> don't ask my why you never before heard about it - this is especially a
> reason to rethink the whole program and start it new from scratch and
> that's why I need your combined wisdom,
> Andreas
> Background
> ============
> In the past, Novell had a list of contributors to openSUSE. Novell
> send them one openSUSE box product as thank you. That list has grown
> over the last 15 years and includes upstream authors of some projects,
> beta testers and translators.
> Right now that list contains around 300+ entries. Looking at the list of
> contributors, I see that it is a pretty unfair selection of folks. There're
> people in it, that haven't done anything for openSUSE 11.4 and there are
> people missing.
> So, this whole concept of who gets a "Thank you" needs a reevaluation.
> On top of that, we have sent out openSUSE Boxes in the past. With
> openSUSE 11.3, this was a joint present by open-SLX and Novell, before
> it was Novell only.
> The price of the box has increased (official selling price from 59 to
> 69 EU but we get them far cheaper) - and the shipment of a box world
> wide is a logistics nightmare with doing the right thing to get them
> through customs in a cheap way - and then shipment costs a lot as
> well.
> Additionally, the collection of the email addresses is an error prone
> and time consuming process.
> So, summing up the three different points, we're not going to send
> contributor boxes out with openSUSE 11.4.
> As usual, there's a but. I know some people look forward to them - and I
> would  love to send out an individual "Thank you" to those who actually
> contributed.
> But this needs:
> * a light weight process
> * people that help with it
> * and an idea on what to do
> Once we have that, I can go to my management (who urged me to seek
> alternatives  with you - so Novell is interested in sponsoring, we just
> need a good way!) and ask for sponsorship money.
> Goals
> =====
> Novell has done in the past the Contributor boxes as a way to say
> thanks to contributors. openSUSE as community project depends on
> contributors and this present was also an incentive for them.
> Our goal is to thank openSUSE contributors for their participation in
> openSUSE at the time of a distribution release. We want to recognize
> contribution in a fair and objective way.
> Where does contribution happen in openSUSE?
> * bug reports
> * fixing bugs
> * packaging
> * development
> * system administration
> * user help in forums/mailing lists/IRC
> * marketing
> * translation
> * ...
> Question: Do we want to recognize all kind of contributions or only
> specific ones?  Some of that you can easily be scriptable - others
> not, and that's the part that will lead to another "members committee"
> and discussions. But only giving it a subset won't work really either
> - so, what do we want?
> Some of that you can easily script - others not, and that's the part that
> will lead to another "members committee" and discussions.
> Note that only giving it a subset won't work really either - so, what
> do we want?
> From Jos:
> "A suggestion from your friendly community manager would be to send all
>  openSUSE *members* a small gift. It gives people a little reward for
>  going though the effort of becoming member, can be used for some
>  publicity (I'm a media whore, I know) and the membership is a
>  self-selecting group of contributors. Sure there are more contributors
>  but anyone who contributes CAN become a member - not applying is one's
>  own choice. It's the most fair and simple solution, too, and makes
>  sure the members will add/update their address in their userpage in
>  Connect ;-)"
> What to give?
> =============
> We'd like to have something that really recognizes contribution and
> people are proud to receive it.
> Shipment needs to scale so that we easily can send out e.g. to 300
> people.
> Some ideas:
> - exclusive dinner at openSUSE Conference
> - distinguished award
> - put it on shelf/wall to show others what/something to put on
> - target 300 people
> Other Ideas:
> * Add lists of translators for this language to slideshow
> * Add list of packagers to Release Notes
> * Self-nominating kind of deal, e.g. to print a poster
> Our suggestions:
> * Send something only to recognize (active) members? For example, the
>  openSUSE 11.4 poster with a letter. Sending a letter avoids problems
>  with customs.
> * Awards at openSUSE conference for contributions in a few categories
>  (KDE does Akademy awards: Winners from last year choose winners from
>   next year; would only need 'starting up' for us)
> * A welcome present to new contributors (members?) instead of a
>  regular effort. Just send every new openSUSE member a T-Shirt!
> * How about a file on the ftp tree called just that - Contribiturs
>  Listing all by name ? One would have to have an opt-out for those
>  that don't want to be named.
> * Special price for openSUSE shop, e.g. for T-Shirts or mugs -
>  basically a voucher.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Feedback from contributors about my email:
> --
> I think a simple thank you mail is enough, or a contributor hall of
> fame website.
> If possible a t-shirt is great but not necessary.
> Contributing openSUSE is fun for all of us. If there is no more fun we
> will not continue the contribution anymore... even if you send us
> something.
> So I would like to thanks for the boxes I got so far.
> And keep create the best distribution ever.... together.
> --
>  have to admit that sending DVD boxes has always been too expensive
> and in my opinion it was a tricky way to honour contributors. Tricky
> as it is extremely difficult to measure and compare contributions of
> each individual (for example a dev vs. translation team member vs bug
> tracking person vs artist and so on) so some people might have a
> feeling that their effort goes unnoticed as they did not recieve any
> phisical.. er... I mean a touchable gift.
> If you insit on sending some items I guess it could be more cost
> effecient to contact some TRUSTWORTHY and RELIABLE local leaders and
> send them something small in large quantities (pins, stickers, etc)
> and ask them to distribute it some reasonable way. That might help in
> organizing meetings among local openSUSE users as well - cool
> giveaways typically go with some nice recollections. ;-)
> --
> Don't worry, I could download OpenSuse, avoiding cost and logistics of
> shipping boxes world wide.
> To honor contributors, may I suggest something like Apache Foundation does
> ?
> http://www.apache.org/foundation/members.html
> A contributor could be member of something like OpenSuse Foundation
> (for example), active or emeritus.
> ---
> Hi Andreas!
> Many thanks for your note. I have valued my copy of OpenSuSE over the
> years; after all I've been receiving it since the very beginning :)  I have
> always considered it a priviledge, not an obligation that SuSE and later
> Novell were required to fulfil. I feel grateful and would like to take this
> opportunity to thank, through you, the organization behind this program.
> As for being part of OpenSuSE, I feel fortunate to still be in that role as
> an OpenSuSE member (handle: dbouras), continuing with contributions to
> setup and bug-fixing as time permits.
> --
> the nice OpenSuse boxes always had more of a symbolic value. Of actual use
> was the promotional stuff with it, e.g. the "iContribute" shirt or
> the led flashlight.
> If shipping is too expensive now, it is simply better to sponsor
> and be at community events, and give contributors some present there
> e.g. in exchange to coupons sent to them by mail. Then people still see
> that you recognize their contribution, they can decide themself whether
> they want to pass by, you have some way to advertize your sponsoring
> of events, and the mails do not look like spam.
> --
> In the past when the ISO images wasn't free for download it was THE BIG
> Now the only convenient thing to me is x586+x86_64 on one DVD, but it
> arrives
> loooong after I've downloaded both images. The printed guide is fine for a
> newcomers, unfortunately not in my language and I'm aware that it can't be.
> May be in some countries downloading is a snail business, but here in
> Sofia,
> BG, most of the Internet users have ~20-50 Mb/s international and ~100 mb/s
> intrastate connectivity.
> In the same e-mail to Karl I've mentioned that a t-shirt is far more
> desirable
> to me (the LED flash light from the 11.2 box was killer item too).
> Unfortunately, in this case the shipping remains as with any non-virtual
> item.
> May be you should consider seeking for any virtual goodies to grant to
> contributors. Three months installation support (as it comes with the box)
> is
> irrelevant as most of the translators are experienced susers.
> Here is an idea: I would be intrigued on a special price quote for SLES.
> --
> This was good decision. Most of us doesnt need shipped dvd, we can download
> it
> etc. Those dvd's were waste of money.
> ---
> Thanks for the notification and huge thanks for sending me all the
> goodies. I am using SuSE Linux since the early days and am a keen
> supporter of the Linux Desktop.
> Perhaps you might make use of my feedback (or simply ignore it):
> For myself, it was always easy to download openSUSE online; thus the
> boxes were not really useful for myself anyways.
> However, I was using the boxes to give them as a "gift" to "convert"
> users (and some of my business clients) to use the Linux Desktop. It
> makes a far better impression to hand over a nice serious looking box to
> install compared to a burned noname DVD and a bunch of pro-Linux
> arguments.
> The openSUSE T-Shirt I received was a good promotion for the
> distribution though since people asked me quite a lot about it when I
> wear it. :)
> Anyways, thanks for your hard work and thanks for supporting the
> contributors.
> ---
> So far I have typed about stuff for events, and now about how to honor
> contributors. I have always thought that one t-shirt is great, not
> sure if it is cheaper than sending the latest version on DVD in a box
> (as for 11.2 and 11.3), but a t-shirt is pretty much what the world
> will see under any circumstance. I recall the one from 11.1 as the
> most awesome one, high quality stamped and the lines in the back show
> your pride :) Of course, the letter is pretty valued as well.
> So, in resume, a t-shirt for a contributor is what I would like to
> have, instead of the DVD, which often comes very late around here
> (Southamerica). Also, the @opensuse alias for every contributor would
> be great.
> ---
> Since the problems about shipping openSUSE boxes are related to cost and
> logistic, the only way to avoid them is to provide some online service
> reserved to contributors.
> However, at the best of my knowledge, at the moment there is no online
> service that can be reserved to contributors: high-speed dedicated
> repositories are useless, since current mirrors are fast; the build
> service is available to everyone (but in any case it is not a good way
> to honor contributors since not everyone wants/is able to use the build
> service); similarly for other online services.
> At the moment I have no idea on how to honor contributors, since there
> is nothing interesting for me in openSUSE online services as well as I
> do not care whether my name appears somewhere in openSUSE as
> contributor.
> ---
> No worries... I can understand the cost issue; meanwhile I imagine most
> contributors downloaded the DVD from day one and know enough about openSUSE
> to have no use for the printed manual.
> As an alternative, here are two ideas:
> 1- Send something (box, DVD, t-shirt..) to openSUSE Members only
>    => Pros: reduces the number of eligible contributors, thus reduces the
> cost (at least I suppose so)
>    => Cons: can be seen as unfair for non-members, logistics might still
> be an issue
> 2- Offer a discount to buy something from the openSUSE Shop (t-shirt, cap,
> mug, etc.)
>    => Pros: good for marketing, less expensive than the traditional box
> (14€ for a t-shirt, instead of ~60€ for the box), logistics are handled by
> the shop provider
>     => Cons: none?
> I would personally prefer the second option.. as I work in software
> development, showing an openSUSE mug or t-shirt at work would inevitably
> raise questions among colleagues, and help promote openSUSE :-)
>  Hope this helps anyway.
> --
>  Andreas Jaeger, Program Manager openSUSE,  aj@{novell.com,opensuse.org}
>  Twitter: jaegerandi | Identica: jaegerandi
>   SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
>    Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
>     GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F  FED1 389A 563C C272 A126
> --
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