On 05/08/2011 11:56 PM, Manu Gupta wrote:

I am Manu and along with Kostas and Carlos we are the Ambassador
Welcome team. We are
glad that you like to join openSUSE as an ambassador to promote

We have a couple of questions for you:
* What have you done already for openSUSE?
* What are your plans for promoting openSUSE? Please tell us what you
  want to do the next 6 months.
* Are you ready to start promoting openSUSE?
* What do you think is the best kept secret of openSUSE?
* Why do you love to do this?
* How did you start with with Linux/openSUSE? What is your level of
I haven't done much inside the project formally as of yet, just participation on forums, openFATE and IRC. I do however help friends and clients migrate to openSUSE; usually from Windows. I host the Inland Empire Linux Users Group and Workshop, ambassador Drew Adams co-hosts. As openSUSE is my preferred distro, I inevitably evangelize it and have converted three people from Ubuntu so far. Later this month I am hosting a special event as part of a "Day of DIY," Introduction to Linux. I anticipate having a good number of people in attendence since it is for the Saturation Festival crowd. I intend to use that as an opportunity to hand out disks with quick-start pamphlets. The casual Linux user may not know the power of the YaST tools in openSUSE. I think YaST is one of the biggest reasons to go openSUSE. I have used linux lightly over the last three years or so. I learned Bash and Unix via the Mac OSX. My first successful install of a distro was openSUSE. I'm hardly a guru, but I usually know more than anybody else I know. I can usually with time and cursing figure out any problem I or a client is experiencing and fix it.
The ambassador program is currently pretty informal and we expect the
ambassadors to organize themselves.  So, please coordinate with other
ambassadors on the opensuse-marketing mailing list:
* share with them what you like to do
* share what you did, e.g. what kind of event did you organize, how
  many people joined
* share what you learned, explain what was great at your event, what
  you want to improve
* create material that is usefull for you and other ambassadors as

We have our weekly LUG, which varies in attendance. We are hoping to be able to use the Saturation Festival as a means to boost membership. We are going to make fliers for the LUG/Workshop and place them around local campuses of the Universities and Community Colleges.
Also, as an ambassador, you're the expert on your country/region, so
please share on the opensuse-marketing mailing list a bit about the
openSUSE and the FOSS community in your country/region, e.g. what are
their needs.
Linux usage is unusually rare in this region. Frankly not so surprising though. It will take some time to ascertain the full size, establish a community, and then know the needs. There has never been a LUG in this area.
We'd like to send your answers to the opensuse-ambassadors list and
thus introduce
you as new ambassador.  Please keep this in mind when answering and if you
don't agree, please tell us!

For adding you to the ambassador list at
http://wiki.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Ambassadors_list, please tell me:
your country, region/city and your user page in the wiki.
United States
Riverside, California.
For details of creating a user page, see:

We know that openSUSE is very special to you and you might be tempted
to give it a capital "O" but that's wrong, so please remember
openSUSE is always spelled "openSUSE".


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