On 2011-07-24 jdd wrote:
> Hello,
> Kostas and me discussed of a video of sort to promote the OSC
> ('openSUSE Conference, September)
> De : Kostas Koudaras <warlord...@gmail.com>
> >> Ok, so my thought is to take small videos of ambassadors calling
> >> people to the oSC in their native language
> it's a sort of "I'm a geecko" video
> So we first need to know if you find this usefull?
> If so, we will need to have as many ambassadors as possible making
> videos (more on the technical points later)
> But we also need reviewer to check the videos (to prevent
> unappropriate contents). The best way should be to have a member
> check them... given as many langages as possible are wanted
> we need also OSC logos, posters, to make a beginning and an ending,
> as we need some sort of sound or music (free, of course) for them.
> we &lso need a proposal for a short text, to be used as basis,
> variants being possible
> I send this to multimedia, ambassadors and marketting, but I think
> final discussion of how to make and store videos should be held on
> ambassador list and potential technicals around the hole video making
> on multimedia, so please post on the relevant list

Awesome idea. Make a quick how-to on a wiki page and get an article to 
news.o.o (which I can help write if you want).

And how about ANY openSUSE person do this instead of 'only' the 

Then we put em on the openSUSE youtube channel and show them on the 
openSUSE website at random :D

> thanks
> jdd

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