On Wednesday 21 September 2011 12:56:28 Bryen M. Yunashko wrote:
> Just an FYI to everyone,
> According to Bernard, we will have a delay of the 12.1 beta release by
> two weeks.  It should have been released tomorrow, but pushed back for
> several reasons.   Bernard is working on an announcement article which
> we will fix up for him and publish as soon as it is ready.
> I just wanted to let you know about this ahead of time as some of you
> are reaching out to plan Beta pIzza Parties and may want to push those
> parties back a little bit.
> Stay tuned for the formal announcement and details to come soon.

I think it's a good idea to release the betapizza party article which was 
written at the Marketing hackfest by Stella and Francoise (and more ppl?) 
sometime next week. Say Tuesday? Kostas, could you ask stella to send it to 
you so you can put it on news.o.o, ping me and I will review it if you like.

Meanwhile, I wrote an article about getting your stuff in Factory which I'd 
like to release soonish, too. Say Wednesday. Anyone up for reviewing? See the 
Draft on news.o.o :D

> Bryen M Yunashko
> openSUSE Marketing Team

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